Tuesday, September 21, 2010

and done.

i hope to get one more piece photographed before i leave NYC for a while.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

look at this beautiful postcard from allison.
check out her work at

"Heed my advice, wear the eye patch"

i was looking through d.'s photos from the night and thought i recognized someone in disguise. thank god he didnt see me wearing one blue contact and one natural brown eye. i turned to talk to one of my other friends at the party only to notice he was talking to the musician. i ran to the bathroom to takeout the contact and mini-hyperventilate.after collecting myself i walked out and joined the conversation. later that evening we ended up leaving at the same time. i walked with him to the subway and he asked what i did. i am an artist, do you have any advice? "Follow your own voice".

upon waking up i remembered see him depicted in a dream on a television show. I suppose that is just the kinda person he is. half human, half ethereal dust giving advice on life and style.

Monday, September 6, 2010